Empowering & Enriching Communities: The Mission of PHASE-Industries

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Welcome to PHASE-Industries, where every day, we commit to making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We believe that each person has unique talents and aspirations that, when nurtured, can lead to remarkable achievements not just for them, but for the community as a whole. Through our mission, vision, and values, we strive to create an environment that fosters growth, inclusion, and success.

Our Mission: Empowerment Through Discovery

At PHASE-Industries, our mission is clear: to empower individuals to live, work, and thrive by discovering and developing their individual abilities. We understand that empowerment starts with respect and recognition of each person’s unique abilities and aspirations. By focusing on personal development, we help integrate the individuals we serve into the community and the workforce, paving the way for fulfilling and self-sustained lives.

Our Vision: A World of Discovery and Success

Our vision extends beyond the immediate needs of our participants. We envision a community where compassion, expertise, and opportunity merge to create a world of discovery and success. This vision guides us in our everyday actions and reminds us of the broader impact of our work. It’s about creating spaces where individuals with disabilities are not only included, but are actively thriving and contributing to a vibrant community.

Our Values: The Core of Our Culture

At the core of PHASE-Industries are our values, which guide our actions and our approach to service. These values include:

  • Individual First: Considering openly how all processes, actions and decisions will affect individuals we serve. Every decision must benefit individuals.
  • Ethical Integrity: Acting at all times with only the highest of ethical integrity and scruples.
  • Large Minded: Choosing an empowered state, seeing possibilities, and creating solutions. 
  • Empowerment: Committing in action to individual and team – development, recognizing competence, and reinforcing excellence.
  • Innovation: Committing to new ideas and creative solutions.
  • Excellence: Promoting best practices, accountability and efficiency.
  • Service for Social Good: Committing to improve society through service.
  • Fun at Work: Promoting an enjoyable and fun workplace in the course of serving others.

Putting Our Values into Action

Every day, we put our values into action through various programs and initiatives designed to meet the diverse needs of our participants. From personalized employment planning to community engagement activities, each program is tailored to harness the strengths of our participants and support them in achieving their dreams.

For instance, our innovative employment programs not only focus on finding job placements but also on ensuring ongoing support and training, allowing individuals to excel in their chosen fields and, importantly, sustain their employment long-term.

Join Us on This Journey

We invite you to join us in this critical and rewarding journey. Whether you are a family member of someone with a disability, a potential volunteer, or a community leader, your involvement and support can help make our vision a reality. Together, we can create a world where every individual has the opportunity to shine based on their unique abilities.

To learn more about PHASE-Industries and how you can contribute or participate, visit our website or contact our office. Let’s work together to make every opportunity count for those we serve!

Together, we are not just changing lives; we are transforming our community into a beacon of inclusion, innovation, and success.