Mission & History
About Our Services
Our Values
Message to those Individuals We Support:
Message to Guardians:
Message to Staff and Potential Staff:
Message to Business Partners & Regional Employers:
Message to Teachers & Schools:
Message to Case Managers & Counselors:
PHASE-Industries is a private, non-profit corporation, incorporated in 1970 as a 501(c)3 in the state of Minnesota that primarily serves individuals with a developmental disability, brain injury and/or severe and persistent mental illness. Services focus on employment development, community integration, skill-building, and social, recreational and therapeutic activities. PHASE-Industries is a CARF Accredited organization, licensed under MN245D by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. In a given year, PHASE serves close to 500 program participants, and employs approximately 130 staff members.
PHASE-Industries is a Home and Community Based Service, meaning that its primary mandate is to ensure access to the community while preventing institutionalization of individuals served. PHASE-Industries works to promote the legal and human rights of individuals with disabilities through its services, and in compliance with the 1999 Supreme Court Decision, referred to as the Olmstead Decision. The Olmstead Decision provides the legal authority to eliminate unnecessary segregation of persons with disabilities, and to ensure that persons with disabilities receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs.
PHASE-Industries serve individuals throughout East Central Minnesota including, Pine, Chisago, Kanabec, and Isanti counties. While the overall demand for services has steadily increased in recent years, the characteristics of new referrals and the quantity of service authorization have changed. An increasing number of new referrals are presenting with severe and persistent mental illness, and many present with significant challenges in behavior. Further, new referrals are commonly authorized for less than five-days of service per week, which has presented a challenge in striking a balance between resource allocation and service quantity.
New regulations, including the implementation of MS245D, development of the MN Olmstead Plan, repeal of MN Rule 9525 - Rule 40, proposal of MN Rule 9544 - Positive Supports Rule, Moving Home Minnesota initiative, Federal HCBS Plan, Rate Restructuring, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, and Employment-First Policy initiatives, have provided both a challenge and opportunity to enhance the overall service delivery to be more person-centered, person-first, and community-integrated.
PHASE-Industries has adjusted its practices, structure and procedures to both comply with the new regulation, and meaningfully participate in the process of leading systematic changes in the field of supports for individuals with disabilities. PHASE-Industries has improved individualized planning of services, and moved to expand pathways for diversified employment opportunities to program participants.